A Mind-Reader Isn’t The Only One Who Can Expose You

An interesting video on YouTube presents the psychic abilities of a mind-reader in Brussels, Belgium. He meets random people on the street and invites them one-by-one into a white yurt (fancy white tent) set up in a plaza. As the people sit at a table and video cameras record them, Dave the Mind Reader gyrates around like mind readers are supposed to do, then blows the people away by revealing intimate details of their lives. He discerns the structure and color of their house, how much they spent on alcohol the previous month, and even their bank account number. One young man says his abilities are scary.

Then Dave reveals the secret of his power. A wall of the tent drops down and the person sees a bank of computers and typists rapidly searching the internet. Everything he knew about them was public knowledge even if they didn’t realize it. (Presumably, Dave’s associates gets the people’s names before leading them into the yurt.)

It’s a warning about being careful when you surf the internet. As a tagline says, “Your entire life is online.” It is also a great illustration of how we live in God’s world. We like to think we have hidden all our “skeletons” but in fact everything about us could be revealed in an instant by God.


“Amazing mind reader reveals his ‘gift’,” < www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7pYHN9iC9I >, published on September 24, 2012.